Monday, April 2, 2012

Autism Awareness: A Blue Jelly Sandwich

Hi everyone. As some of you may know, April is autism awareness month with April 2nd being World Autism Awareness Day. The color blue and the puzzle piece symbol have been widely recognized as support for raising autism awareness. There are many of us out there with loved ones who have one form or another of autism. In my own personal support for autism awareness, here is a blue jelly sandwich creation I came up with for today.

This was 4 thin coats of Essie Marshmallow, 1 coat of Icing Disco Ball, and 1 final thin coat of Essie Marshmallow.  This is my first official jelly sandwich and I must say that I am quite pleased with the results. If you are interested in showing your support for autism awareness, you can sport a blue ribbon or wear a puzzle piece pin throughout the month of April. Thanks for reading everyone! Have a lovely week.


Shannon @ So You Think You Can Paint said...

stunning! I love it.

Kimberley said...

I really like your mani - so pretty!

belilunacrafts said...

¡Qué chulo!

Miss Blue said...

I love it! It reminds me of clouds :D

Jello Kitty said...

Aww, thank you so much ladies! You guise make me feel speshul ^_^

Sarah said...

That's beautiful!

Unknown said...

Wow, fantastic! I found this on Pinterest and feel super inspired now - loving how subtle Marshmallow makes the glitter :)

Nailderella said...

omg! I love this combo!!!!

jkeentch said...

i love essie marshmallow!! any other colored jellies you like that behave as well??

The Lacquer Tracker said...

Okay, this kind of blew my mind... this looks so cool! Like... inverse clouds, or something. If that makes sense. Anyways, that you so much for sharing this- I'll have to try something like it with a similar blue glitter!

NailNarcotics said...

That looks amazing. Such a great inspiration and cause you did it for.

I'm going to try and attempt my first jelly sandwich tonight :os

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