Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lynnderella Connect the Dots

Click here to enter my current giveaway! Click here to get your 50% off Aveyou Beauty card! You can read more about that in this post. Be sure to click on "National" to take you to the Aveyou deal. And finally, click here to view my swap list! 

Heeheehee... I know I've been MIA for a little bit but that's only because I've had really important things to take care of. I think you will forgive me when I feature today's polish of the day. It's the ever-so-famous Lynnderella polishes in none other than Connect the Dots! It's one of the most unique glitter polishes I have ever owned. Lynn makes her own special blend of hand crafted polishes and sells them only once in a blue moon. I was lucky enough to catch her most recent sale and bought this baby as soon as I could get my hands on it! It's an awesome black and white hex, bar, and speckled glitter that pretty much sums up the name perfectly. This is layered over Essie's Master Plan which I have featured previously in this post and this post.

Umm, could this polish *BE* anymore perfect??? (You must say that in a Chandler voice, props if you know what I'm talking about =P). I am in love with this polish! I can't wait to try on the other polishes I received from her most previous sale as well. I am such a fan girl of Lynnderella and her beauties! No one else comes close! =D


  1. Hi i'm a new follower;-) Wow this connect the dots looks great! And your nails are so long&beautiful!
    Ps: if you want, take a look at my blog: thank you!!

  2. Grats for getting a Lynnderella creation those are awsome and unique.

  3. i love this one!! what a neat polish!! <3

  4. This is so creative and graphic! Definitely a winner!

  5. oh wow!! I love this polish! It's gorgeous!

  6. I've never heard of lynderella but I want that freaking polish! I want them both actually after seeing that pictures. I must start stalking her immediately. PS any intel would be greatly appreciated!

  7. This polish is drop dead gorgeous! I thought that you layered it. Until i clicked the post.

  8. @Cupcake - Welcome, Cupcake! Thank you for the comments and thank you for following! =)

    @Lindsey R - Yes, me too! It looks great over just about any polish really. =P

    @Nadia - They are are indeed awesome and unique! I love them so much hehehe.

    @JeeZ TrendZ - Heheh, this is one of my favorites of hers!

    @The Lacquered Lady - Winner winner chicken dinner =P

    @Alexisaurus - Isn't it?? She has such crazy skills to think of such an amazing creation.

    @Lacquer Lockdown - Lol! Yes, you must get them both! She is having another sale soon - check out her website at There are a few requirements/restrictions so just remember to keep those in mind! =)

    @Courtney - It really is, I just can't get enough of it hahah. I would kill to have layering skills like that! Lol =P

  9. Ugh I missed the sale today by minutes! I'm determined to get my stalk on now! I started following her blog lol. Something is so wrong with me when I find something I like I become crazy, but I must have this polish. After looking at her stuff I wanted all but 2 or 3 of the polishes she had up! So bad for my wallet, but so delicious. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Very nice...and a suiting name...I think its cute.

    When I got to the *BE* I didn't even hesitate as I said it in the Chandler voice and kept reading till you mentioned it...I guess it just comes natural after it being my favorite show for so long.

  11. Hello! =)
    OMG, this is amazing! Awesome! ^_^

    Please help! :) Where can I get this polish? I live in Moskow, but I can buy online :) Just need international shipping ))

    Thank you!

  12. @deltinka - Hello there! I'm so sorry for answering late but I actually got this polish through Lynn's website. She mixes them herself and does all the shipping and handling. This is her website address: I think it's US only :/ But you can always get a friend to ship it to you if they live in the US. I hope this helps! :)


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