Thursday, September 22, 2011

Diamond Cosmetics Chainmail Charm

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Hello hello! Bet you thought I wouldn't be back so quick, did yah?? Hahaha, I had to make up for missing those days of non blogging somehow! Today I have a polish from Diamond Cosmetics that I believe nail polish lovers are pretty well aware of. It's the popular Chainmail Charm that was previously sold out due to formulation issues. I think it had to do with their supply of holographic pigment but apparently they claim that the "original" formula is back. So upon hearing this and considering that I was not yet a lacquer lover when the original did come out, I of course had to order it. Well I did and here it is! I have heard of people saying that they got duds but I don't think I got a dud? I believe this is more of a "holo light" polish as opposed to a full blown in your face holo (like say, the OMG collection from China Glaze). Lots of pics head so you guys can see for yourself...

See what I mean by "holo light?"  Still pretty of course!

Left: indoors, Middle: shade, Right: sunlight 

The formula was actually pretty thick and goopy upon first application. I had to thin it with almost 30 drops of thinner! After some good thinning, I applied three more thin coats and also one coat of Seche Vite (which I do not think dulled the holo). From the pictures, you can tell that the polish is more holo on the nail as compared to when it's in the bottle. I have other polishes that are like this as well. If you get a bottle (of any polish for that matter) and are disappointed that it doesn't look like the holo you had anticipated, don't fret. Do some swatches before making your final judgments. This was actually true of my Nfu Oh bottles! Yes -- I did freak out at first, BUT thank the lawd it was all good after some swatches =D. I hope this helps you guys who were curious about this particular polish! Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. Pretty holo shinning. I don't think that will be a new China Glaze OMG collection soon.

  2. @Nadia - Yeah, it's really too bad that China Glaze won't come out with some more awesome holos but there are quite a few other nail polish companies that have really pretty ones out now. Recently a really wonderful friend from Brazil sent me some of the most amazing holographic nail polishes! ^_~


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