Friday, May 25, 2012

Purple Jelly Flakie Gradient

*peeks in* OHAI GUISE. It's been a million and one years since I've written a new post! How have you all been?? Welcome new followers, I'm so happy to see all your beautiful faces =D. Finally back home and settled in from vacay. It's about freaking time! Apologies for the delay as my nails were seriously janky from all the luggage hauling and traveling. They needed a bit of rest and relaxation time too =P. Anyway, how about we get right back into it yeah?

As you can imagine, coming back from that long of a trip, my nail mail was pretty much piling up towards the ceiling. One of my newest babies included Verity Deep Violet which was used as a base here. Three coats of squishy purple jelly perfection. Omnomnom, she's gorgeous!!! I then did a gradient on my tips with Essie Shine of the Times. As always, tons of pics ahead...

There are several variations of the red-orange-green flakies but I found Shine of the Times to be perfect for building up a gradient because of how dense the flakies are. There was a bit of thickness on the tips due to all that polish layering but some Gelous and Seche Vite usually seems to take care of that problem. This look kinda reminds me of fire-y embers... a lit-from-within type of glow... you know what I'm talking about? No? Okay. No worries. Just nod and stare at teh prettiez with me =).

In other news, all that nail mail got me so excited that I somehow managed to stab myself in the left thumb with a gigantic pair of scissors . All I can say is, imma lucky mofo that it didn't hit any of my picture taking fingers =P. Alright you guys, hope this was good to come back to after my mini break from blogging. Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend everyone!


  1. This is a new US Brand? First time I heard about it.
    Anyway I loved the gradient.
    Have a great Memorial Day Weekend too.

  2. YAAY welcome back!!! :D
    Your nails look deliciously gorgeous!

  3. This looks gorgeous! I have to try this one out! :)

  4. That is gorgeous! I need to try that with the flakies!

  5. I want that purple jelly... and your nails too :D

  6. Love it! I've got to find that flakie!

  7. @Nadia - I don't think this is a new US brand. Actually, I'm not even sure if it's a US brand at all. I do know that some have bought this brand for cheap at their local beauty supplies though.

    Thanks for the lovely compliments everyone! =D

  8. this is a really cool combo, i had no idea shine of the times could look like that! oh, and i hope i dont sound like a creeper but i think i recognize your nails from mua LOL

  9. This looks like a mani that someone in a dark fairy tale might wear - magical.


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