Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lesbihonest, I Want You to Look at My Glittoris

Bahahaha, why yes, I am a 12 year old child. But then again... this is more along the subject of adult content so by default, that would technically make me an adult =D. I will keep telling myself that. Two manis for Pink Wednesday people!

Pahlish Glittoris - The name was proposed by Shannon's husband
This is pure gold. Gold, I tell you! Visit Shannon's Etsy shop here

A sexy matte "feuhschcia" as ManGlaze calls it
LOL, they are brilliant!

I love them both! Glittoris is a pink based polish with a crazy amount of holographic, red, and fuchsia colored glitter of various shapes and sizes. This includes both square and bar glitters! Not for the faint of heart but c'mon, with a name like Glittoris, what do you expect?? Lesbihonest is a gorgeous matte fuchsia polish that's umm... freaking gorgeous? I don't really know how else to describe it. I think the pictures have already taken care of that for me =P. And can I just say... I absolutely *love* the ManGlaze bottles! Their labels are pretty dang creative too. I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff though =P. Anyway, enough of my babbling! Thanks for reading guys and Happy Hump Day ;).


  1. Bahaha! What a perfect combo in every way!! I love it!

  2. @Jenny - Lol, thank you my dear! Freaking looove the Glittoris hahaha

  3. Loved the combo.
    If I had that color I would show my Glittoris to everyone= @_@"
    Lesbihonest is awsome.

  4. Gorgeous! And the names are cracking me up!

  5. both polishes are gorgeous and that's a great combo!! I can't belive I have lesbihonest and that I haven't tried it yet!!!!

  6. I love your choice of nail polish (: I posted you on my tumbler!


  7. @Anna - Thank you for posting my mani on your tumblr, sweets! xoxo =)

  8. The title of this post had me laughing out loud! But...the polishes are gorgeous, both of them. This is one of those 'I want!' occasions.....


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