Friday, October 21, 2011

Matte Grey + Blue Sprinkles

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've done a matte mani so I decided to pull out the matte top coat and put it to good use =). Today I've got on Maybelline Cool Couture as my base polish. Cool Couture is a limited edition polish that I believe came out some time in the Fall of this year. I did about 3 coats for good coverage. My glitter was actually done using a Japanese polish called Winmax in #10. This was actually found on one of my crazy nail polish adventures I previously blogged about. Pictures ahead!

I was told this looked like a dark chocolate 
cupcake dipped in blue sprinkles lol

So that is actually NOT the original polish bottle that the Winmax #10 came in. They came in a much smaller sized bottle and I bought two because it was so pretty. I then just went ahead and poured both into an empty bottle I had lying around and just transferred the labels. I did this with several of the other small polishes I had as well ^^. Anyway, that is all for today. I hope you all have a fabulous Friday. I am SO ready for the weekend!


  1. This is my favorite mani I have seen in a while. LOVE it!

  2. I REALLY like this. I've been experimenting with the perfect matte combos since I finally got around to getting some Matte About You by Essie :)

  3. Really liked the combination, a good way to mix matte and glitter.

  4. @Yasini - Thank you! =D

    @Jess Neuman - Aww, thank you so much! That is an extremely sweet compliment =)

    @Marketta - I love matte manis! Matte About You is awesome for creating matte manis heheh

    @Nadia - Thank you my dear! ^_^

    @Breath of Color - Thanks so much!


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