Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Okay, so I lied. It's only jelly time. No peanut butter here... only because I couldn't find any in the house today ><. What is jelly time you ask? Weeeeell, today's mani is Revlon Victorian from their somewhat recent Just Tinted Collection. From what I am aware, these polishes were only around for a limited time and this was actually the only one I saw at my local Walgreens. These polishes all have a really fun jelly-like finish which can best be described as squishy. Yes, squishy! See below ^_^

Behold, the squishyness factor!

Left: indoors, Middle: shade, Right: sunlight  

These all came in shades of pink and red so I'm not too bummed I couldn't get them all. If you ever have a chance to snatch them up though, definitely go for it! They are a fun look and are perfect for "jelly sandwiches." I will attempt to do a jelly sandwich mani in the near future with some other jelly polishes I've recently acquired. Till then, thanks for reading and have a wonderful week everyone! =D


  1. This looks awesome! I love this shade of pink.

  2. @Holly - Thank you so much! :D I usually don't gravitate towards pinks but I agree -- this one is a really fun color ^_^

  3. I dont gravitate at pinks too.


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