Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spectraflair Manis

Hi everyone, how have you all been? A bit of a special one today... here we have a double feature post consisting of two manis using a spectraflair franken I made. A little backstory behind this franken is that I actually bought the pigment from a seller online who has been providing the special rainbow magic to tons of us in the nail polish community. Sadly, I heard that he recently passed away. These manis are a thank you to Sid - you will be missed! Thanks for providing us with endless possibilities to create some awesome polishes and enjoy what we love! =D

Cosmestic Arts Purple for Base, 1 coat of Spectraflair

Cosmetic Arts Teal for Base, 2 coats of Spectraflair

Goodness, it's been SUPER bright out lately. Great for holo manis of course so I hope you guys enjoyed these. Spectraflair can pretty much make any base color look holo-rific! Also, since I am getting extremely close to that 300 follower mark, I'm thinking about including this in a future giveaway too. But, I shall figure that all out later! Till then, I hope everyone has been having a wonderful day. Love you all! XOXO


  1. I LOVE THESE SOOOO MUCH!!! gorgeous

  2. He passed away? Awwww :( I remember when everyone communicated with him and bought SF and he seemed like such a nice guy. This is a great tribute to him :D

  3. i want it <3

  4. both those combos look totally awesome!!!!

  5. It was very nice of you to dedicate the manis to him! Thank you Sid : ) These polishes are great!

  6. Wow the purple!!!! Perfect nails too <3

  7. Great manicures-- sad about Sid though:(

  8. Are you using fine or coarse grade for your franken? It's quite hard to find anything other than coarse grade. It's absolutely gorgeous!

  9. Thank you one and all!

    @DEADisBEAUTIFUL - My dear, I used the fine grade spectraflair for these manis. I'm so sad that fine grade isn't easily obtainable anymore... perhaps you can check ebay. Sometimes they have some!


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