Friday, March 23, 2012

Candeo Colors Dive Bomb

First off, I'd like to begin this post by saying WOOHOO for my 100th blog post!!! Wow, has it really been the big 100 already? Suh-weeeeet!

So are you ladies (and gents) ready for some eye candy today? It is Friday after all right? Let's celebrate!  I'm sure you all have noticed the abundance of indie brand polishes that have been popping up left and right. Seriously, some of these indie brands are really bringing it. And I mean bringin' it with a side of two snaps =P. Featured today are two manis using Candeo Colors Dive Bomb. And let me tell you, I am in *love* with this polish. You guys don't mind if I spam you with pictures right? Well, behold! Feast your eyes on the magic ahead...

 Index & ring: Revlon Royal
Middle & pinky: New York Summer Hot Sky Blue
Both bases are awesome blue jellies!

Finger Paints Lemon Sour & NYX Maven for the base
Topped off with Essie Matte About You

This was only ONE layer of glitter my friends. Every coat went on smoothly and I got a good chunk of various sized glitters every single time. Removal takes a bit more effort but of course that is expected with all glitters. I actually didn't even have to use the foil method - a little extra scrubbing with regular polish remover (no pure acetone needed!) was all it took.

So are you drooling yet? Do you guys need resuscitation now or have you already caught your breath? Okay, now that you're all back with me, the big question is where can you find this beauty? Well, you can check out Candeo Colors, an etsy shop owned by the lovely Melinda who hand mixes all these wonderful creations. I believe she is debuting a new collection soon so be sure to keep your eyes open for that! I hope you all enjoyed today's manis as much as I enjoyed doing them! Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for reading my lovelies! =D


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous! I just found out about this shop a few days ago and my wish list from her polishes keeps growing every day!

  2. this is really stunning! i'm underwhelmed with most of the new frankeners, but these look special!

  3. Congratulations for the 100 wonderful posts!
    This polish is gorgeous !

  4. This is so pretty! I just bought Dolce from her last night :)

  5. It seems that Lynderella is getting some heavy competition like Candeo, DollishPolish, NerdLacquer and others.
    I think that is awsome for all nail polish lovers this "boom" of frankeners.

  6. sooo stunning!

  7. The first manicure reminds me of an aquarium!

  8. Congratulations!!!! :D

    OOO Sooo pretty!!!

  9. Thank you my dears! Candeo Colors & Melinda are beyond awesooommmeeeee <3


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