Thursday, June 21, 2012

Jade Vermelho Surreal & Mystic Gold

I'm sure most of you fellow polish addicts have heard the buzz about the awesome new Jade Holografico polishes from Brazil right?? (<-- wow that was a mouthful!) Today's post will feature two of the more unique shades from their collection. Let's take a look! Both of these were taken in direct sunlight with flash.

One coat of Jade Holografico Vermelho Surreal

 Had to add an extra pic of this indoors with flash
This is how it looks most of the time. A gorgeous vibrant red <3

Two coats of Jade Holografico Mystic Gold

Aren't they gorgeous?? C'mon, who's heard of a true red and/or gold holo before? Exactly! One of the best things about these holos is that they aren't the special kind that need an aqua base (like Nfu Oh's, Laylas, Gosh, etc). I applied both of these polishes without a top coat for maximum holographic blingy-ness. Dry time was pretty good! They were soooooo pigmented you guys! I still have several from the rest of the collection that I can't wait to try out. So, do you own any of the new Jade Holograficos? Planning to get some soon? You should! =D Thanks for reading lovelies!


  1. amaaaaazing. these are the 2 i want! needthemnow

  2. that gold is absolutely stunning! beautiful.

  3. Holy crow woman! That red holo @_@ and I don't even like red much. You made me look and you made me like it. Ack!

  4. Wow! Amazing colors. The read will now go up on my wishlist.

  5. They are amazing. And I'm proud to say that its made in my country. :D

  6. I think I just drooled on myself lol. These are mind blowing!

  7. Where can one get these nail polishes online? I'm in Australia and have never heard of them before.


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