Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Color Club Get Your Lem-On

The days are long, the weather is warm, and the sun is shining... yeeeaaah, sounds like we're heading into Summer alright. What could be more apropos than a neon polish? Nothing. Yep. Nothing. That's right, I said it! P.S. I took down even moar nail length. They were growing like weeds! (WTF?!)

A retina-searing highlighter yellow with electric blue microshimmer. What more could you ask for from a neon polish? Not much, I'd say. One downside, however, was that it was scented -- smelled something like a mixture of cough medicine and radioactive lemon juice. C'mon, humor me guys. Puke city! Funny how we're like la-di-da with acetone and polish fumes but scented polish? *clutches pearls* Oh heavens no! The horror! As with all neons, this was impossibly difficult to capture on camera. Whatevs! You'll have to take my word for it. It's freaking awesome and just screams Summer =D. This was two coats of Color Club Get Your Lem-On on top of one thick coat of Sally Hansen White-On (hmm, that's a lot of on's if I do say so myself). Remember to layer your neons over white to get that perfect pop of color -- my PSA for the day. I'm about to head on a road trip tomorrow. Starting from Denver and making big stops in Las Vegas and Los Angeles with a bunch of pit stops in between I'm sure! Let's see how much polish I end up with when I'm finally back home in California =D. I am le excited. Happy Tuesday to you guys and happy travels to meeeeee! Yay!!!!


  1. Great tip on putting neon over white! I've never thought of that before (as I run to my stash to find all my neons!)

  2. That is a gorgeous neon yellow! Have fun on your trip!

  3. This looks so badass on you! :D

  4. Omg my eyes! ROFL, I'm not a fan of scented nail polish.
    Have a great trip!

  5. that color is GORG. for summer <3

    xoxo -V

  6. this is amazingggg on you. Pls send me some of your nail growth mojo!

  7. Awesome! To bad that it smelled like medicine though.

  8. This looks so cool! I think this collection is growing on me :)

  9. Your nails are so long!! I'm jelly! After I graduate I can grow my nails out again.

  10. Wow, this polish is so amazing and you photographed it sooo weeell!!! <3

  11. WOWOWOW!!! Thanks for all the awesome compliments you guys! <3


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