Monday, April 2, 2012

TV Show Polishes

Normally, I don't repost pictures but I found this too awesome not to share. Which collection is your favorite guys??

 Sad to say these aren't real. One can still dream, right?? (Source)


  1. I love the colors in Community, but i love the names in Park & Recreations and Arrested Development. I love those shows.

  2. Hahahah oh man, these shows are awesome (although I can't watch the Office... to akward for me, lol). XD

  3. @thebostonkackler - P&R has got to be one of my favorite shows, and Community's paintball episodes were some of the best episodes on TV! =D

    @Ashesela - Lol, I know exactly what you mean by The Office being awkward! Hehehe

  4. I dont watch any of those shows, I try to watch: Criminal Minds, Being Human UK and others.
    But i liked the colors of Community.

  5. I'll take the Community Collection!!! Love that show! Haha, this is adorable!


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