Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pink Wednesday: KBShimmer Berry Patch

Hello all. Before I begin today's post I'd just like to have a mini vent.  Don't you just hate it when a polish comes in a trio or pack of some sort and you are forced to order the entire pack if you want that single polish? And I get that there is really no way around it when it comes to buying from retail brands but my personal issue was with a private seller. There was a polish from an indie seller on etsy, of all places, that I wanted to purchase from -- but it came... in a pack. Now I've had such pleasant interactions with every single indie seller up until this point. Every etsy seller has been so accommodating with custom orders since it is a personally run business after all. And I'm all for supporting small businesses! However, that was not the case with this seller. When I contacted her, I was informed that it was simply impossible to sell the polish alone since it came pre-packaged in a pack. Seriously? Okay, I get that you don't want to sell it individually because you also want to profit from selling the other two lame polishes but as far as being impossible to sell it alone because your stock is already pre-packaged? What. How. Uhh... okay. Don't you mix these by hand? And package them -- by hand? Unless all the labor that goes into your polish shop is done by robots. Then that would be awesome and only then would it be a valid, nay, kickass, excuse for having pre-packaged stuff! I will not name the seller but c'mon now, way to drive customers away from your business. Geez Louise. Looks like I will be crossing this etsy shop off my list forever. You are dead to me. Ugh. Sorry guys, this is usually a happy place for pretty things but sometimes, something like this happens that just makes you want to wrinkle your nose and scrunch your brow and maybe even kick a poor soul or two, know what I mean? Okay, thank you for letting me have my moment! I'm usually a pretty optimistic/happy person but that was just not cool. /endrant (I guess that wasn't such a mini vent after all, sorry!)

Onto much happier things! It's Pink Wednesday y'all =). And as such, today I have for you a gorgeous polish from an etsy seller who was an absolute pleasure to do business with. This is Berry Patch from KBShimmer. Pictures first, shall we?

Christy's description says it best: "A creamy pink base sets off large blueberry hex glitter, small raspberry hex gliiter, holographic pink glitter and micro strawberry red glitter and raspberry pink glitter. Bits of ice, in the form of holographic sliver glitter complete this yummy treat."

This was 2 thick coats with an additional 2 coats of gelous and Seche Vite to finish it all off. I am so happy I have polishes like this to brighten my day =). If not, I think I would have to seriously karate chop a B. Thanks for reading and humoring me guys. Have a lovely day!


  1. i love it! tried to buy it, but she cant ship to me :( looks awesome on you!!!

  2. This is SO pretty and fun!! I love it! :D

  3. Omg that is a really pretty and delicate color I love it.
    I'm sorry to know about your problem with this etsy seller, she should be more flexible because be forced to get 2 nail polish bercause of one isnt fun.

  4. So pretty and your nails are gorgeous!! I just placed an order with KBShimmer but didn't include this one. What was I thinking?

  5. Thanks lovelies =). Can't wait for more KBShimmer polishes!


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