Saturday, October 1, 2011

Orly Meet Me Under The Mistletoe + Risque Cobertura Encantada

Hi guys. Oh Em Gee... I am dead. I am sooooo tired. So you will forgive me when I post tons of pics of my mani instead of rambling on about nothing right?? Right. Thanks, you guys are the best!

Is that not enough pictures yet? No? Okay, there's more below!

Teeheehee! I am so out of it right now so you will just have to make do with these pics! And I hope you guys will also forgive me when I say that I just chopped off all my nails! Yes, that's right... I nubbinized! It was getting too long my dears, I had no choice! Plus, I was very interested in sporting a different look on my nails. Heheheh, you will see soon anyways, no biggie =P. So hopefully this is enough to get you by for a little bit while I rest up and get better in the mean time. Have an absolutely fantastic weekend everyone!!! And as always, thank you for reading all you lovelies! <3


  1. I never thougth that could look so nice over a green.
    Chopped nails I wonder how will look this new nails.

  2. Beautiful combination! I would not have thought to put these two together :)

  3. So cute! I have a blog award over at my blog for you.


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